
Three quick tips to optimise your team’s Scrum practice

A quick refresher to help you get the most from the Scrum framework

[bctt tweet=”“If you’re practicing scrum and it’s not working for you, consider it an encouragement to go back to basics.” ” username=”GeorgFasching”]

Tip 1: Do it by the book

The Scrum Guide is made to aid team development by explaining one of the most effective methods of Agile working. It details the Scrum Framework (aka Scrum Methodology) in full, including roles, artefacts and basic processes, helping you Scrum your best.

Tip 2: See tip one… Really.

A team that Scrums together, stay together. If your team isn’t working well, take a step back and revisit the Scrum Guide once more. Ask yourself, how true to Scrum are you? If you’re not following it as closely as you could, work at this before trying to find another solution.

Tip 3: Experiment on solid ground

If your team is in a good place and proper Scrum practice is working for you, start experimenting with changes. Before you do, consider:

  • What are your hypotheses? (what do you think will happen)
  • What are you looking to change (what are your constants and variables)
  • Why you’re looking to change things (where do you want to make improvements)
  • How will you know if the change is/isn’t working (what are your KPIs and measurements)

After practicing the above, you should have no problem delivering value to your customers, users and your organisation. If you have any questions or topics you’d like me to cover, leave a comment below or send me a message through the website. Thanks for reading. See you next time!

Photo of Georg Fasching

From the desk of Georg Fasching, passionate purveyor of Product Flow, and seasoned executive, team, and organisational change coach.

For his high-leverage, curation of methods and instruction, visit https://get.teamgenius.eu/.

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